Thursday, March 25, 2010

Custom Order #17: Blue Meanies

This was a fun one. I was commissioned to create a wallet for a member of the biker gang the Blue Meanies. I was given their official logo, slogan and a dancing, winged skeleton because, well, it's just cool. I made up the triple-skeleton image a la Grateful Dead for the inside of the wallet, and was able to match the font for the slogan with the font used on their logo. We're both pretty pleased with how it turned out.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Custom Order #16: Fitter Happier

I. Love. Radiohead. A friend of mine dug this image up online and thought it would make a PERFECT Radiohead trifold wallet. I almost wanted to keep the end result for myself...

Custom Order #15: The Crow

This wallet was commissioned, forcefully, by a friend whose wallet was, literally, falling apart at the seams. A wallet is officially no good when it starts dropping all of your stuff. ANYWAY. The dude is a big fan of The Crow and gave me the cover from his DVD to cut up for the wallet. Here's how it turned out:


Saturday, March 13, 2010

Custom Order #14: Fly Fry, Fly!

So Futurama is awesome. We know this. So, it's not surprising that, since my shop was all out of Futurama-themed items, that I was contacted to create one! The result is one of my favorite wallets that I have ever made. The buyer asked me if I could come up with something purple and told me her favorite character was Fry. So I whipped out my purple duct tape, and clipped an awesome picture of Fry from one of my Futurama graphic novels. Ta-da!

Custom Order #13: Purple Argyle

I love argyle. I can't help it. In 6th grade you couldn't cleave me from my argyle sweater vest (whatever, I wish I STILL had it) and my current cell phone has an argyle theme. It's good stuff. So, naturally, it's inevitable that I would one day combine my love of argyle and my love of duct tape into one fancy concoction...and so I have!

With a few different color schemes up in my shop, I was contacted to specifically make an argyle trifold wallet, based on this design, but replacing the pink with purple. It was a pretty great idea. So I made it for her!